Rugby World Cup 2011 – Fixtures

2011 Rugby World Cup
News Results Teams Fixtures Videos History

2011 Rugby World Cup

RWC 2011 Fixtures for Outlook

» Download RWC 2011 fixtures for Outlook HERE

» Download RWC 2011 fixtures iCal (Google, Mac, iPhone) HERE

» Problems downloading? Download the .zip file HERE

Other downloads

» Download fixtures poster (PDF) HERE

» Download fixtures (PDF) HERE

» Download fixtures (DOC) HERE



1. Download with Internet Explorer.
2. Fixtures subject to change.
3. View terms & conditions for fixture downloads.
4. To remove the fixtures from Outlook, follow these steps:
    1. Open Outlook
    2. Open the calendar
    3. Click on View \ Arrange by \ Current View \ Events
    4. You can then sort by Event name, select multiple and delete.

5 thoughts on “Rugby World Cup 2011 – Fixtures

  1. Hi there!

    I was hoping you could help me please!

    Trying to download the Gmail version of the calendar but not winning!…It keeps offering to open it in Outlook! :0
    I managed to download the NZ-Tonga game in there but that’s it! Could you please check it?
    Also, I was wondering if you knew of us at
    We work with a few sites similar to yours, who happen to do quite well at promoting our services, and earning good commissions!
    have a look when you get a chance and let me know your thoughts please!

  2. Sacha – try importing the ical calendar download into Google Calendar.

    Jayne – the Outlook file is just called a Holiday file (.hol) – it is not the SA holidays, but the fixtures for the RWC. If not 42,984 people have downloaded the wrong file!

  3. Okay i REALLY feel blonde right now! If I select to download the Rugby World Cup fixtures into Outlook, I get a page listing all the games etc! What on earth am I supposed to do from there? Any help would be really appreciated!!! Thanks!

  4. For anyone that just sees a list of the games when trying to download, click on the link entitled: “» Problems downloading? Download the .zip file HERE” This will enable you to download a zip file which, when unzipped will give you the .hol file which you need to click on to add the fixtures to Outlook.

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